Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Stop Worrying

Playing the role of someone we are really not can be too tiring and exhausting. The same is also true when we start to take the role of a God, of someone who wants to be in control of everything. We make ourselves the standard, expecting others to be like us or to agree and follow whatever we will. Such attitude can be one of the root causes of worry. We want everything to be in line with what we want but well, it’s a hard core reality that we can’t control everything. Yes we have a certain degree of control over what happens in our lives especially in our reaction towards some unexpected situations but we have to face up the reality that we are not God. There is a God, and you’re not him.

It is said that modern life can be summed up in three words: Hurry, Worry and Bury. It cannot be denied that almost all of us are always in a hurry, troubled up with lots of worries partly because of factors that we can’t control but we want to control, and so eventually or let’s say gradually, we speed up our days and end up in the cemetery. Instead of HWB, why don’t we change it to the 3R’s: Relax, Reflect and Renew. And also, KISS( Keep it Simple, Stupid!) Yes, at times we act so stupidly by complicating simple matters.

As for me, the very core of our worries is our doubt and lack of trust that our Father can give us what is best for us. We want to be in control of our own lives because we think that the “One Up There” is not that capable in filling up our needs and aspirations. Thus, we trod the path of pride and self righteousness, complicate matters and act as God thinking that we can have full control of our own lives but mind you, that is just a mere fantasy. The day will come and that bubble of fantasy will simply explode. Take note, we are living in reality. There is a God and you’re not Him. All I can say is, we are His creatures and He knows every corner and details of our hearts. He knows our needs, our desires and aspirations. He knows us through and through. He wants us to be happy and he intends the ultimate best for us. All we have to so is stop worrying, stop doubting, stop playing God and finally, trust Him and live simply.

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