Thursday, May 31, 2012

Trying..or rather, Struggling to Write Again

Date today: May 31, 2012
Date last posted: September 15, 2011's eight months since my last post. Going over my posts somewhat surprised me because I can't seem to believe I wrote it. This blog has been my medium to practice materializing my thoughts in print. I really didn't stop writing. I still write but it's more of impersonal pieces like business correspondence letters.

Currently, I'm writing news as part of my job so that means simply presenting and positioning facts. I really don't know but I seem to find it hard expressing my thoughts.

Why can't I write as easily and as articulate as before? I am having a hard time speaking my mind through printed words. What's happening to me? =( In fact I'm currently having a hard time making this post.

I remember what my parents told me about talents. They said God will take away talents that are not used. Perhaps I'm not really using my "talent" to the fullest that's why it seems that my Giver is taking it away from me. I hope not though.=(

Anyway, hopefully I'll really regain those inner whispers, the voice within, which I seemed to suppress during these past years. Yes I heard it but I get caught up in the everyday rigors of living with all the worries, doubts and fears of the outside world which have been enmeshed with my inner voice.

 But seems it would take effort on my part to bring it back, to see my thoughts taking its form in written words.

 So help me God.