Thursday, July 23, 2009

Generosity is all about Sharing with Love

This post is worth sharing. It's from one of my favorite authors, Bo Sanchez. He may be known as someone " spiritual" or "holy" which is oftentimes attributed to being "corny." But well, guess that's just how the world's standards are. On the contrary, he's more of practical spirituality, that is, showing God in simple and practical ways. And I'm proud to say that he's one of my constant inspirations. And yes, he has always been an instrument of God's love and presence. So here's one of this truly inspiring articles. And it's truly, really worth reading. Read on....

Have You Received The Rewards Of Your Giving?

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon playing with my boys.

We drew spaceships, airplanes, and roller coasters. We played a video game. (Can you imagine me, a 43-year old guy, playing with his 4-year old kid, Mariocart? I’m nuts.) And finally, I brought Francis to the barbershop. We didn’t have a car yesterday, so we rode the tricycle together. Francis loved it so much. Every time we passed over a hump, he raised his arms and said, “Wheee!”

When we were in the barbershop, Francis had so much fun getting his haircut, making faces on the mirror, twirling on the barber’s chair, laughing and singing the entire time. He was so happy.

But guess who was happier? The Daddy, of course.

Yesterday, I was generous with my time with the kids. Despite a mountain of work that I had to do (including this article), I put it all aside and spent time with the boys.

Instantly, I receive the reward of my generosity. Just listening to the happy laughter of my kids was music to my soul. It made me feel wonderful. It removed my stress, made me healthier, and refreshed my spirit.

Friends, there is an absolute law written in the fabric of universe. It states, “When you give, you will receive a reward.” Always. No exceptions. Oh yes, there can be delays. Sometimes you’ll have to wait for a long time. But the reward will always come.

And the Bible also says that we will receive more than what we give. Example: In the years to come, I know I’ll receive an even greater reward for spending time with my kids yesterday. Because they’ll grow up to be men secure in their father’s love.

It doesn’t end there. In Heaven, I’ll receive even greater rewards. (More on this next week.)

Let me explain why you get rewards.

Too Full To Receive Anything Better

In my talk yesterday, I showed people a big fishbowl filled with grey stones. It was overflowing with them. I then showed some gold nuggets. (Okay, they really weren’t gold nuggets. They were stones covered with gold paper, but don’t spoil my illustration. Imagine them to be really gold nuggets!)

Even if I wanted to put gold nuggets in the bowl, I couldn’t, because it was already filled with stones.

This is a perfect picture of a selfish person.

God is a generous God. He wants to give us better things. But He can’t do that if there’s no space to receive new and better things in our lives.

I then removed one stone from the bowl. I explained to the audience that the first reward of giving is “space”. And space is beautiful. Space means we can grow.

I placed one gold nugget in the bowl, and explained, “Some people give only a little and so receive only a little. But there are people who give more,” I explained, removing more grey stones from the bowl, “and thus create more space for God’s new blessings.” I quickly filled the bowl with more gold nuggets.

Remember, when we don’t receive much, the problem is not in the Giver. The problem is in the Receiver. The Lord wants to give more to our lives (that’s His default posture), but the Receiver has not created enough space to receive more.

And friends, the universe abhors space. The universe will fill up that space with better things.

But what if you don’t get your rewards?

Real Generosity

One person asked me, “But Bo, I’ve been giving and giving and giving all my life—but I haven’t been receiving my rewards!”

Perhaps because it may not be generosity at all.

You see, there are two types of giving that happens in the world.

1. When we give because we love

2. When we give because we want to be loved

Look. There’s nothing wrong if you want to be loved. It’s your most basic need. But friends, never use generosity as a way of getting love. That’s toxic. You call that co-dependent love and it’s lethal. Pleasing people so that they will love you is slow suicide.

If your “Love Tank” is empty, you need to do two things. First, ask God to love you. And second, love yourself. Unless you learn to be generous to yourself, your generosity will not be real.

My friend Mila (not her real name) was such a woman. She always gave gifts to her friends. Food. Clothes. Flowers. Sometimes, expensive stuff like cellphones and Ipods. People would tell her, “Oh, you’re so generous.” But deep within, I know Mila is one of the most miserable people on earth. She’s constantly depressed. Because she has no true friends. Her friends are there simply because she gives them stuff. People abuse her constantly, asking things from her.

Mila isn’t receiving the rewards of her generosity because she’s not really generous. She is needy.

When you give out of need, you will become even more needy. But if you give out of love, you will receive more love.

Remember the bowl with grey stones? Mila gives away her white stones—creating space in her heart. But because she’s giving out of need and fear and not out of love, misery and bitterness fill up that space she created.

I repeat: Real generosity is giving out of love, which fills our lives with more love.

And let me share with you the biggest reward of generosity.

The Greatest Reward Of Giving

My friend and fellow preacher Arun Gogna just came from Japan. He met a Filipina there who told him a wonderful story.

Years ago, this Filipina married a Japanese man. Her husband was earning very well and asked her to manage his money. So every payday, he gave all of his money to her.

This Filipina loved God and wanted to follow Him in the area of giving. So she gave 10% of her husband’s earnings to the Lord. When the husband—who was an atheist—found out about it, he asked her, “What are you doing with 10% of my salary?” She said, “I give it to my God.” The amazing thing was that he didn’t object at all. He let her be. So she continued to do it every single month.

Here’s the great news: A few years later, this man converted and is now a baptized Catholic. Today, with his wife, he serves in a ministry in a Church in Japan.

What’s so beautiful about this story? Even before he got baptized, he was already generous to a God whom he didn’t fully know.

My point?

Generosity brings you closer to God.

Let me tell you why.

Your Heart Follows Your Treasure

Last year, I bought stocks in Ayala Land.

I noticed that whenever I read the newspaper, I would be very interested to read anything about Ayala Land. I would read their Ads. I would ask people in the industry about what’s happening to this company.

Before I bought stocks in this company, I didn’t give a hoot. I didn’t care. I didn’t read their articles or their ads.

Why the change? Simple: The Bible says that my heart follows my treasure.[1] Wherever my treasure goes, my heart will go there too.

When your money goes to God, your heart goes to Him as well. Yes, even if He really doesn’t need your money.

Tithing Is A Declaration Of

God’s Importance In Your Life

God doesn’t need your money.

But why is it that the Bible says over and over again, “Give the first fruits of your harvest to God”?[2] Yes, God doesn’t need your money, but God wants what your money represents. Money represents value. What do you value the most? When you make God your first expense, you’re saying that God is first in your life.

Tithing is a declaration that all things—including your life—belong to God. The Biblical standard of 10% is a fantastic guideline to follow. When you give 10%, you’re saying that 100% belongs to God. Tithing is your declaration of God’s ownership over your life. God gave all that you own. When you die, you’ll give it all back. So all you have is lent to you. You’re a steward of His assets. As stewards, you use material blessings for His purposes. That’s what you declare when you tithe.

Friends, I invite you to give because you love.

And receive the fantastic rewards of generosity.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Questions that sustain your leadership

Got this from I'm quite busy as of now so I'll just post it here at this moment. Will just be reading it later.

“JUDGE A person by their questions, rather than their answers.” – Voltaire

The willingness to ask questions coupled with the discipline to seek out answers separates leaders from followers. Influencers question assumptions, inquire about the environment around them and probe into the future. They have an insatiable appetite to learn and they convert their knowledge to action at light speed.

Value of questions

While leaders constantly investigate their surroundings, the most important questions they ask are the ones they pose to themselves. By routinely questioning their goals, motives and purpose, leaders renew their self-identity along with their sense of perspective. Consider the following benefits of examining yourself as a leader.

1) Quality questions create a quality life.

You only get answers to the questions you ask. If you won’t dare to wrestle with the tough dilemmas in life, then you’ll live small.

2) Focused questions stimulates creative thinking.

A well-considered question penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights.

3) Honest questions lead to solid convictions.

Inquisitiveness clarifies morals and beliefs. Values are shaped when you force yourself to be truthful in answering tough questions about where you stand on key issues.

4) Correct questions help us find ourselves and our mission.

Tackling life’s biggest questions brings direction and meaning to life’s journey. Bob Buford captures this thought in his book, The Second Half.

What is your passion? What have you achieved? What have you done uncommonly well? How are you wired? Where do you belong? What are the ‘shoulds’ that have trailed you during the first half? These and other questions like them will direct you toward the self your heart longs for; they will help you discover the task for which you were especially made. Throughout your years in leadership, if you know the right questions then you will ultimately gain the right answers.

Questions I ask myself as a leader:

1) Am I investing in myself?

This question probes your commitment to personal growth. An empty glass won’t refresh anyone. Before you can influence others, you need to contain something worth offering to others.

Don’t be content to stockpile knowledge. Once you’ve ascertained a new insight or developed a skill, pass on what you’ve discovered. A learner builds reservoir of learning, whereas a leader becomes a river of learning for others.

2) Am I genuinely interested in others?

This question delves into motives. As J.P. Morgan cynically observed, “A man always has two reasons for doing anything – a good reason and the real reason.” Since leaders are inclined to figure out situations before anyone else, they have capacity to take advantage of others.

For this reason, it’s essential to regularly question your motives. There’s a fine line between manipulation and motivation. The former moves people for personal benefit, while the latter moves people for mutual gain.

3) Am I doing what I love and loving what I do?

This question determines passion. You will never find your passion doing work you despise. If you go to work only to fulfill processes and functions then you’re in jeopardy of losing your humanity and turning into a machine.

“Find your passion and follow it,” is all the career advice you’ll ever need. Passion gives you the edge by endowing you with more energy than others have.

4) Am I taking others to a higher level?

This question has to do with mission. Regardless of your industry, as a leader, you’re in the people development business. Fulfilling your mission depends upon lifting the performance of those you lead.

As Zig Ziglar says, “You can get everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” By adding value to those you lead, you’re investing in men and women with the potential to multiply your influence exponentially.

5) Am I taking care of today?

How you treat today speaks volumes about your likelihood of success.

In fact, if I spent one day observing your priorities, behaviors, and interactions with people, then, with about 90 percent accuracy, I could let you know your leadership potential. Why would I be so certain in my judgment? Because I’ve learned that the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.


The great artist, Pablo Picasso, once remarked, “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”

I tend to agree, and I think Picasso’s observation carries truth for leaders as well. Regardless of your technical skill or relational charm, you’ll be inhibited as a leader until you learn the art of asking questions. Knowing how has merit, but influencers will always be the men and women who understand why.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Joke, joke, joke!!

I was hilariously laughing with these jokes..its a blessing becoz it helped me to start my day with a good laugh. So I thought of sharing it. Here it goes..


1. Use BE COOL and I'LL BUY in a sentence.
...The tourist went to Mayon volcano in I'LL BUY, BE COOL.
2. Use SCHOOLING in a sentence.
...(phone rings).....Hello? Who SCHOOLING?
3. Use AFFECT in a sentence.
...Maria is wearing AFFECT diamond ring.
4. Use ADIEU in a sentence.
...If you are ADIEU, the Arabs will kill you.
5. Use DECANTER in a sentence.
...You can order that medicine over DECANTER.
6. Use DELETION in a sentence.
...The balat of DELETION is crispy.
7. Use DESPISE in a sentence.
...Who baked all DESPISE?
8. Use DIFFERENT and DIFFERENTIAL in a sentence.
...I am looking for DIFFERENT of this boy to get DIFFERENTIAL
consent so he can go to the picnic.


9. Use BORROW in a sentence.
...Ang dumi naman ng BORROW mo.
10. Use CAESAREAN in a sentence.
...Lintek, anak, mag-ingat ka, CAESAREAN mo iyang laruan mo.
11. Use CONTEMPLATE in a sentence.
...Pare, ang dami-daming pagkain, pero, ko-CONTEMPLATE.
12. Use ARTESIA in a sentence (if you don't know what this is, it's a
city [or street] at the L.A. COUNTY in CALIFORNIA)
...Nako naman, ang ganda-ganda nang bebot na yun, pero,
13. Use CADET in a sentence.
...CADET ko si Maria nung isang gabi. Ngayon, ikaw naman ang
CADET niya.
14. Use CARDIAC in a sentence.
...Na CARDIAC yung kotse ni Pedro noong isang gabi.
15. Use CENTURION in a sentence.
...Na-CENTURION si Pedro ng tatay niya dahil sa kalokohan niya.
16. Use DEDICATE in a sentence.
...Pag ginamitan ng glue, siguradong DEDICATE iyan.
17. Use DELICACY in a sentence.
...Bagal mo... DELICACY mahuhuli na tayo.
18. Use DEPRECIATE in a sentence.
...Sister, DEPRECIATE already, kaya pwede na tayong kumain.
19. Use DIFFUSION in a sentence.
...Brownout...siguradong DIFFUSION pumutok.
20. Use LAITY in a sentence.
...Taga "laity" si Imelda Marcos.
21. Use MENTION in a sentence.
...Ang laki ng bahay nila, parang MENTION.
22. Use ebonic word MOTHA' FUCKA' in a sentece.
...Iho mag-ingat, ka baka MOTHA' FUCKA'


23. Use SECOND THOUGHT in a sentence.
...Hindi pa bumibili ng bagong kotse ang mag-asawang si Pedro
at Maria dahil magse-SECOND THOUGHT pa daw sila.


There was this Filipino kindergarten teacher and she was teaching
her class how to do the hokey-pokey. She started off by saying,
"You put your right feet in, you put your right feet out, you put
your right feet in...." Suddenly one of the children said, "Teacher
you have to say 'foot.'" So the teacher said, "You 'foot' your right
feet in, you 'foot' your right feet out....."


First day ng klase.
Siyempre, magpapakilala muna si titser.
mukhang strikto, terror ala Miss Tapia.
Sinulat niya ang pangalan niya sa blackboard.
'Miss Pruke.'
Pigil ang hagikgik ng mga estudyante.
baka mapagalitan sila.
"My name is Miss Pruke. Don't forget.
With an R, with an R, with an R." stress ni
titser. "Bukas bago magsimula ang klase,
kapag meron akong tinawag, dapat alam niyong
banggitin ang pangalan ko ng tama."
Paglabas ng mga estudyante ng klassroom,
Inulit-ulit nila sa kanilang isip, "with an R,
with an R, with an R."
Kinabukasan, preparado ang lahat sa pagtawag
ng titser maliban kay Juan. Wala namang
ginagawa si Juan sa klase kundi mag-daydream.
kaya siya ang napansin ng titser. "Juan!"
Sigaw ni titser. gulat na tumayo si Juan.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Ano ang pangalan ko?"
Namamawis sa kaba si Juan. nakalimutan niya
ang pangalan ng titser.
Sabay sabay ang buong klase sa pagbigay sa
kanya ng clue. "With an R, with an R, with an R"
"Ah!" biglang naisip ni Juan, "Natatandaan ko na
ang pangalan niyo."
"Ano?" tanong ni titser.
"Miss Prekprek."

More to come!!

Monday, July 06, 2009

A Glimpse of the Past

I've been a web writer right after I graduated. To be honest, I find it both boring and challenging at the same time. It's challenging because I’m writing about something I’m not familiar with and is not even in my interests (its all about cars) though am dreaming to have one of my own someday. It ‘s rather boring at the same time because we have to make contents of the same topic, over and over, and almost to the nth time. Good thing there were changes as the company grew. It sort of "spiced things up" and added a twist to the boring routine that we do. People come and go as years passed. I established bonds with my fellow SEO people, became friends with many and enemies with a few(lolz!). The moments we shared together were truly worth cherishing and it indeed eased up the hassle and bustle of work. But unfortunately, or rather fortunately (or let's say both fortunately and unfortunately, we got separated from the company in a "not-so'good" way.

On the night of "The Purge" - The Last Suffer

A Curse Turned Blessing

Yet, I know that it's actually part of the thrill and reality of living. Some things are not within our control, or others just pop out of nowhere but of course, I believe we always have control on how we react to those unexpected moments. Thanks to Bro. Bo for his daily dose of inspirations as well as for the seeds of faith passed over to me by my beloved parents. I believe that was of great help for me to cope up with what happened, fast and easy. And in spite of what happened, real friends lived on. And I’m glad we’re still crossing paths from time to time no matter how busy we are.

As for me, what happened was more of a blessing in disguise. At times the great things we hold dear to us are taken away from us because He wants to give us something better and greater. For a year, I had no permanent "earthly" job to boast off. I had no income as constant and as “more than enough” salary I had from my job, along with the sidelines(lolz), but that’s when I realized that happiness, peace and contentment can’t indeed be bought and paid with money. Though of course, money is an important commodity and it affects every aspect of our life but still, it’s not the MOST important priority so to say.

The vacant days and months I had gave me time to see what really are important and essential in life. I had great time with my family – cooking for them, doing chores at home (which I wasn’t able to do that much because I wasn’t able to spend much time at home), watching tv and movies with them, eating meals with them, chatting with them – these are just but simple moments but it gives me a feeling of peace and contentment. Indeed, searching for happiness is not something so complex, at times it’s just in the ordinary and simple, that we fail to see it. In fact, it’s just right in front of us, like our family and friends.

I also had a grrreaaater time serving my community, my fellow youth to be specific (ehem.. youth refers to people aged 15 and up, and I’m still included in that bracket..lolz). That was actually, what I have been asking for. I want to serve and be of service, and He did show me how. I realized that the more people I serve and share myself with, the more I grow and the more I enjoy being human and fully alive. It’s nice to meet and be with people with views and personalities different from you.

To Make a BIG Difference, Start with the Small and Simple

I want and I always want to make a difference, and I guess each one of us also aspires to do such. It’s a calling for each and one of us since we have different roles to perform and different missions to accomplish. We have our own fields and core gifts waiting to be discovered, honed and maximized, not just for our own glory but to fill out the role that’s really meant for us. And the challenge for us is to stand out and be the best that we can be in our own niche. We are given with unique sets of core gifts and how we make use of those is our best gift to our Giver. Core gifts are talents and skills that are inherent in us, that which you have edge over others. It’s something that propels you to do something with passion. It’s that thing that defines you. You can know your gifts through that something which you really like to do, and you’re really happy doing it. Mine is singing, writing, speaking and a little bit of dancing. But I’d rather sing.

Yet way back, I thought making a difference mean doing something BIG and not so ordinary. Yet I realized that giving your best even in the simple and small things that you do and in a way that only you can do is enough to make a big difference. You can start by being the best daughter or son, the best sister, friend or buddy in your own simple ways. You may think it wouldn’t matter much but they say its the simple things in life that greatly matters. And it’s actually in sharing yourself, in doing something simple and ordinary in the best way you can, that you can truly be happy, at peace and contented.

Been Tagged!

Am still waiting for the time to clock in, so meanwhile let me just take my time to answer these mind-boggling questions..lolz..This if from lyn.

A. Attached or single? choice
B. Best friend? UP THERE
C. Cake or pie? PIE
D. Day of choice? Sunday
E. Essential item? Money..haha
F. Favorite color? Purple
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears
H. Hometown? Bigaa Legazpi City!!
I. Favorite indulgence? reading and reading!!
J. January or July? January
K. Kids? Nah yet
L. Life isn’t complete without? W/out God, family, freinds
M. Marriage date? someday perhaps..haha..
N. Number of magazine subscriptions? None
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges. Need vit c..
P. Phobias? Not actually phobia, moderate fear only-raattts!!
Q. Quotes? Sow what you want to reap!
R. Reasons to smile? Knowing that I'm LOVED unconditionally!!
S. Season of choice? Christmas season! Haha..tama ba?
T. Tag 5 people. I'm tagging Yona, talie, Peach, Yeng, Nayz
U. Unknown fact about me? Hmm..better be left unsaid..haha..
V. Vegetable? anything green
W. Worst habit? Im a certified procastinator..and I hate it!
X. X-ray or ultrasound? hmm..ultrasound
Y. Your favorite foods? pizza,vegetable salad,kahit ano basta nakakain..hehe..
Z. Zodiac sign? Scorpio

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Here I am again!

It really feels nice to be back again! My blog has been dosing off to sleep for..a year I guess. Well I've really been busy for the past months, though its not really tooo busy. It's just that, this blog has been out of my priorities. Brutally honest, but that's actually the real reason. And as of now, yes, there are lots of stuff in my mind that I want to write off.

And one of those is the new boss that I have now. Not actually a boss, just a superior whom I'm taking orders from. Anyway, its still called a boss. He's the type who doesn't know what he do not want! Confusing? Actually am also confused..harhar. It's like, the boss, wants the "me" to do "that thing" in "that way." So the "me" tried the best she can to come up with "that thing" in "that way". But when she's finally done, and excitedly shown it to the boss, he says that's not what he wants. So, the "me" reasoned out, but "that thing" is the same as "that way". "I followed the basic rules, the accepted standards, the specified procedures." But the boss firmly replied. "That's not what I want." So the "me" tried all the means she know for "that thing" to be "that way" but still to no avail.

Right then, the "me" asked her friends and colleagues, who are then experts on "that thing". And they said its actually ok, and in fact good. So she told their feedback to the Boss, but he simply said. "No, I'm the Boss, and its not the same." Aaaargggh! What does he want then. It seems he's sending out the message: find out what "I" do not want. I couldn't find it out myself either. Whew..I'm getting tired of this boss. Actually, I don't want to waste my time and be of service to someone who doesn't know what he really wants and what he do not want but well, this is part of "the path". And I need to be here be on "where I want to be."

Anyway, I'll take it then as a challenge. To find out, "what He do not want, and eventually find out what he wants. That is, to make "that thing in that "that way." This is just but an "alley" that I have to pass through to be "where I want to be."